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What is Lavish?


Lavish is a ministry of Connection Church Dublin, centered on the mission of Connecting WOMEN to a growing relationship with Jesus Christ AND TO THE BODY. One of the ways we do that is through quarterly women’s night out events. Our prayer is for these gatherings to be a safe, inviting and intimate space for women of all ages and all walks of life to come together to worship God through song, scripture, testimony, fellowship and corporate prayer. We also desire for these gatherings to facilitate new friendships and the building of authentic, Godly relationships, helping all women to get connected to Biblical community. Our vision is to see: Every believer embrace the life-long mission of making disciples and engage in disciple-making relationships. Lastly, these events serve as an opportunity for CCD women to develop their spiritual gifts and share their testimonies for the edification (instructing and building up) of the Body of Christ.



Lavish launched its first event in June 2022. The gatherings are bathed in prayer and planned by volunteers - a handful of CCD Heart & Soul women that seek to become mature disciples of Jesus and have a passion for helping other women do the same. Lavish women's ministry and its gatherings are an overflow of CCD's core values: Evangelism, Community, Discipleship, Serving, and Generosity.

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