Connect Group Discussion Guide on Malachi 3:6-12 and Matthew 6:19-24
In these passages from Malachi and Matthew, we are encouraged to examine our hearts
and attitudes towards God and money. Malachi challenges us to honor God with our
finances, while Jesus in Matthew teaches about the importance of storing up treasures in
heaven rather than on earth. Let's explore these themes together and consider how we can
align our priorities with God's kingdom values.
Discussion Questions:
1. Malachi 3:6-12
- What is the message Malachi delivers about God's unchanging nature and His
expectations regarding tithes and offerings?
- In what ways do we see the principle of stewardship and obedience to God's commands
reflected in this passage? How does this apply to our lives today?
2. Matthew 6:19-24
- What is the contrast that Jesus makes between storing up treasures on earth versus
treasures in heaven?
- How do material possessions and wealth influence our heart's devotion and commitment
to God, according to these verses?
3. Comparing the Two Passages
- How do the teachings in Malachi and Matthew complement each other in guiding us
towards a proper perspective on wealth and giving?
- What principles can we draw from these passages to guide our financial decisions and
priorities in light of God's kingdom?
4. Challenges and Temptations
- What are some common challenges or temptations we face when it comes to managing
our finances and prioritizing God in this area of our lives?
- How can we guard against greed, materialism, and the love of money, as highlighted in
these passages?
5. Practical Application
- How can we practically implement the principles of tithing, generosity, and
heavenly-mindedness in our individual lives and as a community of believers?
- In what ways can we support and hold one another accountable in stewarding our
resources for God's glory and kingdom purposes?
Reflection and Response:
- Take a moment of personal reflection to assess your current attitude towards money and
possessions. Are there areas where God is challenging you to realign your priorities?
- Pray for God's wisdom, grace, and strength to honor Him with your finances, to resist the
lure of material wealth, and to invest in eternal treasures.
Action Steps:
- Encourage each group member to set a specific financial goal or commitment that reflects
their desire to honor God with their resources.
- Consider starting a small group initiative or project focused on supporting a charitable
cause or meeting the needs of those less fortunate in your community.
Closing Prayer:
Pray for God's guidance and provision in your financial stewardship journey, that He would
grant you the wisdom and generosity to honor Him with all that you have been entrusted.
May His kingdom values shape our hearts and actions in all areas of life.