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Connect Group Discussion Guide for Romans 9:1-33

Opening Prayer:

Begin your small group session with a prayer, asking God to open your hearts and minds to
His Word and to guide your discussion.


Read Romans 9:1-33 together.

Discussion Questions:

1. In verses 1-5, Paul expresses his deep anguish and sorrow for the Israelites. What
emotions and concerns do you think Paul is grappling with here?

2. Verses 6-13 discuss the concept of God's sovereign choice and election. How do you
understand the idea of God choosing individuals or nations for His purposes based on these

3. Reflect on verses 14-18. How does Paul address potential objections to the concept of
God's sovereignty in choosing to show mercy or hardening hearts?

4. In verses 19-24, we see questions arising about God's justice and fairness. How does
Paul respond to these questions, particularly in relation to God's mercy and wrath?

5. Verses 25-29 quote from the Old Testament to demonstrate God's inclusion of both Jews
and Gentiles in His plan of salvation. How does this theme of inclusion impact our
understanding of God's redemptive work?

6. According to verses 30-33, what is the difference between pursuing righteousness
through faith versus works? How does this relate to our relationship with God and
understanding of salvation?

Application and Prayer:

- How can we apply the lessons from Romans 9:1-33 in our personal lives and interactions
with others?

- Take time to pray for a deeper revelation of God's sovereignty, grace, and mercy in our
lives, and for a heart that aligns with His will and purposes.


Thank everyone for their participation in the discussion and insights shared. Encourage
group members to continue reflecting on the passage and its implications for their faith
journey during the upcoming week.

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