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Connect Group Discussion Guide for Romans 8:5-39


Opening Prayer:

Begin your small group session with a prayer, inviting the Holy Spirit to guide your

discussion and deepen your understanding of God's Word.

Discussion Questions:

1. In verses 5-8, Paul contrasts living according to the flesh and living according to the

Spirit. What do you think it means to set the mind on the flesh or on the Spirit?

2. According to verses 9-11, how does the Spirit of God dwell within believers? How does

this impact our lives as Christians?

3. Verses 12-17 talk about the spirit of adoption as children of God. How does this concept

shape our identity as believers? How does it impact our relationship with God and with


4. In verses 18-25, Paul discusses the future glory that awaits believers. How can the hope

of future glory sustain us in times of present suffering or hardships?

5. Verses 26-27 mention the Holy Spirit helping us in our weakness and interceding for us.

How have you experienced the Holy Spirit's help and guidance in your own life?

6. According to verses 28-30, how does God work all things for the good of those who love

Him and are called according to His purpose? What assurance does this provide for us as


7. Reflect on verses 31-39. What are some of the powerful declarations of God’s love and

faithfulness found in these verses? How do these truths impact your faith and perspective

on life's challenges?

Application and Prayer:

- How can we practically apply the truths from Romans 8:5-39 in our daily lives and


- Take time to share personal prayer requests and pray for one another, asking God to

deepen your understanding of His Word and empower you to walk in the truth revealed in

Romans 8.

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